Fuel Reports - Real time fuel level reports

Fuel reports constitute a major area of tracking and monitoring of the vehicle’s fuel level and fuel consumption patterns. The reason for the importance and urgency of fuel reporting is to ensure optimization of fuel as an energy resource in the transportation of the vehicle. Fuel tracking also ensures the level of fuel in the vehicle at any given time of the day. Both these factors contribute to an important control over the transportation expenses of commercial vehicles.

In determining the fuel consumption and fuel capacity levels in commercial vehicles, whether the vehicles are cargo trucks, cargo tempos or passenger transportation vehicles of any size and make, the ownership company can accordingly keep a strict control on the fuel consumption and capacity levels at any given time of the day (real time or live tracking as it is referred to)  so that regular and effective comparisons in the fuel expense statements versus the budgeted base figures can be transparently and comprehensively ascertained. This system of checks and balances through tracking and monitoring the fuel consumption of the vehicles using GPS technology related devices constitutes a proactive strategy on the part of the owner or the senior management of the transport company in the determination of fuel optimization and pre-calibrated expenses.

It is possible that high fuel consumption may not necessarily be the fault, negligence or misuse of the drivers of the vehicles, on the contrary this is may be due to the degeneration of the vehicles’ spare parts and the non-regular servicing of the vehicles. Therefore the fault could be due to the negligence of the mechanics and the maintenance staff. Nevertheless, it is the GPS technology enabled trackers that are engineered to impart such important information to the owners or the senior management of the transport company.  

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